custom/plugins/S360MegaMenu/src/Resources/views/storefront/s360/megamenu/desktop/navbar.html.twig line 1

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  1. {#
  2.  # Desktop Megamenu Navbar Container
  3.  #}
  4. {% block layout_main_navigation_navbar %}
  5.     {% if menu.settings.menuWidth != 'fullwidth' %}
  6.         <div class="container">
  7.     {% endif %}
  8.     {% set alignmentClass = '' %}
  9.     {% if menu.settings.menuItemAlignment == 'center' %}
  10.         {% set alignmentClass = 's360-megamenu--align-center' %}
  11.     {% elseif menu.settings.menuItemAlignment == 'flex-start' %}
  12.         {% set alignmentClass = 's360-megamenu--align-start' %}
  13.     {% elseif menu.settings.menuItemAlignment == 'flex-end' %}
  14.         {% set alignmentClass = 's360-megamenu--align-end' %}
  15.     {% elseif menu.settings.menuItemAlignment == 'space-between' %}
  16.         {% set alignmentClass = 's360-megamenu--align-space-between' %}
  17.     {% elseif menu.settings.menuItemAlignment == 'space-around' %}
  18.         {% set alignmentClass = 's360-megamenu--align-space-around' %}
  19.     {% endif %}
  20.         <div class="{% apply spaceless %}s360-megamenu s360-megamenu--desktop {{ alignmentClass }} {% if menu.settings.menuWidth == 'container' %}s360-megamenu--boxed{% endif %} {% if menu.settings.menuWidth == 'content' %}s360-megamenu--width-auto{% endif %} {% if menu.menuStyling.customClass %}{{ menu.menuStyling.customClass }}{% endif %}{% endapply %}">
  21.             {% if menu.settings.menuWidth == 'fullwidth' %}
  22.                 <div class="{% if menu.settings.menuContentWidth == 'fullwidth' %}container-fluid{% else %}container{% endif %}">
  23.             {% endif %}
  24.             <div class="row">
  25.                 <div class="col-12 s360-megamenu-content-col">
  26.                     {% block layout_main_navigation_menu %}
  27.                         {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/s360/megamenu/desktop/menu.html.twig' with {'menu': menu} %}
  28.                     {% endblock %}
  29.                 </div>
  30.             </div>
  31.             {% if menu.settings.menuWidth == 'fullwidth' %}
  32.                 </div>
  33.             {% endif %}
  34.         </div>
  35.     {% if menu.settings.menuWidth != 'fullwidth' %}
  36.         </div>
  37.     {% endif %}
  38. </>
  39. {% endblock %}
  40. {# Flyout Wrapper #}
  41. {% block layout_main_navigation_menu_flyout_wrapper %}
  42.     {% block layout_main_navigation_menu_flyout_container %}
  43.         {% if menu.settings.menuWidth != 'fullwidth' %}
  44.             <div class="container">
  45.         {% endif %}
  46.         <div class="navigation-flyouts s360-megamenu__dropdown {% if menu.settings.menuWidth == 'fullwidth' %}s360-megamenu__dropdown--fullwidth{% else %}s360-megamenu__dropdown--boxed{% endif %} {% if menu.dropdownStyling.customClass %}{{ menu.dropdownStyling.customClass }}{% endif %}">
  47.             {% block layout_main_navigation_menu_flyouts %}
  48.                 {% for treeItem in menu.tree.tree %}
  49.                     {% if treeItem.item.contentSettings.dropdownWidth != 'content' and treeItem.shouldDisplayFlyout( %}
  50.                         {% block layout_main_navigation_menu_flyout %}
  51.                             <div class="navigation-flyout s360-megamenu__dropdown-menu {% if treeItem.item.contentSettings.dropdownWidth == 'container' %}s360-megamenu__dropdown-menu--container{% endif %} {% if treeItem.item.styling.customClass %}{{ treeItem.item.styling.customClass }}{% endif %}"
  52.                                 data-flyout-menu-id="{{ }}"
  53.                             >
  54.                                 <div class="{% if treeItem.item.contentSettings.dropdownContentWidth == 'fullwidth' %}container-fluid{% else %}container{% endif %}">
  55.                                     {% block layout_main_navigation_menu_flyout_include %}
  56.                                         {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/layout/navigation/flyout.html.twig' with {navigationTree: treeItem, level: 2, page: page} only %}
  57.                                     {% endblock %}
  58.                                 </div>
  59.                             </div>
  60.                         {% endblock %}
  61.                     {% endif %}
  62.                 {% endfor %}
  63.             {% endblock %}
  64.         </div>
  65.         {% if menu.settings.menuWidth != 'fullwidth' %}
  66.             </div>
  67.         {% endif %}
  68.     {% endblock %}
  69. {% endblock %}