custom/plugins/GrimmTheme/src/Resources/views/storefront/page/product-detail/properties.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/page/product-detail/properties.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block page_product_detail_properties_container %}
  3.     <div class="row product-detail-properties-container">
  4.         <div class="col-12">
  5.             {% block page_product_detail_properties_table %}
  6.                 <table class="table table-striped product-detail-properties-table">
  7.                     <tbody>
  8.                     {% if page.product.width or page.product.height or page.product.depth %}
  9.                         <tr class="properties-row">
  10.                             <th class="properties-label">{{ 'grimmProduct.label.measurements'|trans }}:</th>
  11.                             <td class="properties-value text-right">
  12.                             <span>
  13.                                 {% if page.product.width %}B {{ page.product.width }}{% endif %}
  14.                                 {% if page.product.length %}x T {{ page.product.length }}{% endif %}
  15.                                 {% if page.product.height %}x H {{ page.product.height }}{% endif %}
  16.                             </span>
  17.                             </td>
  18.                         </tr>
  19.                     {% endif %}
  20.                     {# @var product \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\SalesChannel\SalesChannelProductEntity #}
  21.                     {% for group in page.product.sortedProperties %}
  22.                         {% block page_product_detail_properties_table_row %}
  23.                             {% if
  24.                        != "c2cd5e01fefd49b18c0e63827a260770"
  25.                                 and
  26.                        != "0cf7c91af462470e946be782eb29c6e5"
  27.                                 and
  28.                        != "72a2fa3509a34e2abb2a50b35a6d9545" %}
  29.                                 {{ parent() }}
  30.                             {% endif %}
  31.                         {% endblock %}
  32.                     {% endfor %}
  33.                     {% if page.product.ean %}
  34.                         <tr class="properties-row">
  35.                             <th class="properties-label">{{ 'grimmProduct.label.ean'|trans }}:</th>
  36.                             <td class="properties-value text-right">
  37.                                 <span>{{ page.product.ean|upper }}</span>
  38.                             </td>
  39.                         </tr>
  40.                     {% endif %}
  41.                     {% if page.product.manufacturerNumber %}
  42.                         <tr class="properties-row">
  43.                             <th class="properties-label">{{ 'grimmProduct.label.manufacturerNumber'|trans }}:</th>
  44.                             <td class="properties-value text-right">
  45.                                 <span>{{ page.product.manufacturerNumber|upper }}</span>
  46.                             </td>
  47.                         </tr>
  48.                     {% endif %}
  49.                     </tbody>
  50.                 </table>
  51.             {% endblock %}
  52.         </div>
  53.     </div>
  54. {% endblock %}